Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring Batch Tutorial

6:48 PM - By Manu 0

Spring batch is a very interesting frame work , In this post we will discuss various examples on  spring batch.

All the example discussed in the post based on spring batch version 2.X

Spring batch framework internally provides 6 spring batch tables , to start working with with spring batch we need to create following tables.


Spring  batch uses these tables to store job related meta data information, such as 
1)When Particular job got triggered
2)who triggered the job.
3)When the job got triggerd.
4)How much time job took to complete.
5)How many records processed during the job process.
6) what is the status of the job (Completed,Failed ..) etc.

We can work with Spring batch without database also .

1) Creating Job repository,Job launcher in spring batch-- To work with spring batch It is mandatory to create Job repository whether it may be resource less(with out db) with DB.

a) Creating  Job Repository: Please refer below link to create a Job repository
     Click here
b) Creating bob Repository : With Resource less Transaction manager
Without DB Configuration

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