Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Magadha Empire

10:15 AM - By yatra 0

Period of Magadha Empire : 6th Century – 4th Century BC.
Extent of Magadha Empire : Magadha embraced the former districts of Patna, Gaya & parts of Shahabad & grew to be the leading state of the time.
Haryanka Dynasty : Originally founded in 566 BC by the grandfather of Bimbisara, but actual foundation by Bimbisara.
King Bimbisara of Magadha (544 BC – 492 BC):
• Contemporary of Buddha.
• He conquered Anga (E.Bihar) to gain control over trade route with the southern states.
• His capital was Rajgir (Girivraja). He strengthened his position by matrimonial alliance with the ruling families of Kosala, Vaishali, and Madra (3 wives).
• His capital was surrounded by 5 hills, the openings in which were closed by stone walls on all sides. This made Rajgir impregnable.
Ajatshatru History (492 BC – 460 BC):
• Son of Bimbisara killed his father & seized the throne.
• Annexed Vaishali and Kosala (annexed Vaishali with the help of a war engine, which was used to throw stones like catapults. Also possessed a chariot to which a mace was attached, thus facilitating mass killings). Kosala was ruled by Prasenajit at that time.
• Buddha died during his reign; arranged the first Buddhist Council.
History of Udayin (460 – 444 BC): He founded the new capital at Pataliputra, situated at the confluence of the Ganga & Son.
Shishunaga Dynasty :
• Founded by a minister Shishunaga. He was succeeded by Kalasoka (II Buddhist council). Dynasty lasted for two generations only.
• Greatest achievement was the destruction of power of Avanti.
Nanda Dynasty:
• It is considered first of the non-Kshatriya dynasties.
• Founder was Mahapadma Nanda. He added Kalinga to his empire. He claimed to be the ekarat, the sole sovereign who destroyed all the other ruling princes.
• Alexander attacked India in their reign. Dhana Nanda was there at that time.
• Nandas were fabulously rich & enormously powerful. Maintained 200,000 infantry, 60,000 cavalry & 6,000 war elephants. This is supposed to have checked Alexander’s army from advancing towards Magadha.

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